Teebs – Ardour

Teebs is about to release the album of our sweetest dreams, and I mean that in the most literal sense.  The also-visual-artist and freshest face in Flying LotusBrainfeeder collective has finally created a full length release, finally exceeding even his most beatific psychedelic paintings in service of rendering his uniquely utopian vision.

Yes, utopia.  This is exactly what Teebs conjures on record; one listen leaves no doubt as to the veracity of a claim by Flying Lotus himself that this album sounds “the way Avatar looks.”  I’d be hard pressed to utter a more succinct bon mot.  This music reminds me of imaginary imagery more than any specific prior music; tropical visions of the future as seen in 60’s cinema, a psychedelic James Bond-ian secret island accessible only by submarine.  Or space ship.  The colors and tones may have forebears in  John Barry and Martin Denny – and the optimistic sheen the future once sported – but the construction and the visionary feel is all his own.

Listen to Arthur’s Birds – a cut right from the center of Ardour.

[pick this one up October 18th via brainfeeder on amazon or *more coming soon*]

7 thoughts on “Teebs – Ardour

  1. I’m very excited for Ardour to come out, even though its already been leaked. As we saw with Cosmogramma, a lot can change between a leak and full release.


  2. Pingback: Singing Statues – Outtakes EP | Optimistic Underground

  3. Excellent album, excellent advice, many thanks for that.

    The fluidity and elegance of progress between ‘Made Of’ and ‘Couldn’t’ alone is worth the buy.


  4. Pingback: BEST OF 2010 | Optimistic Underground

  5. Pingback: Albums I Missed: 2010, part 2 | Optimistic Underground

  6. Pingback: Thank You, Music (Jesus Birthday Listening) « Optimistic Underground

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